Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Super Heroes In Training

Tonight is the first game of co-ed softball for 2009. And I'm both excited and scared.

Excited because it is the first game of the year. My arms feel strong, and any practice swings I've taken have felt good. Even though my batting practice consisted of a lot of pop-ups to shallow left and center field, I had more than enough line-drives to the gaps that I should be able to deliver in the game tonight.

Scared because my lower back has been absolutely killing me for a week, and it has now spread down to my knees. For the last 48 hours, my left leg has felt and looked shorter than my right because of the pain in my knee. I can't bend it right away after sitting. In fact, I am only pain-free after walking or standing/moving for 20 minutes or so.

That kind of sucks, given I have to ride a bus for 30 minutes to and from work, and my entire day's work consists of sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours.

But we'll see. Regardless, the game will be fun tonight. I've been working with my wife and her bat, and I won't be surprised if she gets some strong base hits tonight. My arms feel good, so I'm not afraid of my throws at shortstop. And I put together a mix-CD of songs of everyone's super heroes. Me? I am "Spider-Pig" from "The Simpsons Movie." Hells yeah.

But the shirts aren't done yet. They were suppose to be done yesterday. If they're not done by 5pm tonight, I will be badmouthing the company on every website I can find.


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