Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sunshine and Lollipops.

So this last weekend up to Wednesday was suppose to be wall-to-wall busy greatness. This Fri-Sat, Damn You Banana Flims took part in its second "24-Hour Film Race," and it was awesome. It was far less-stressfull than last time, we got our film in on time, and I think the final product is funnier.

Sunday night was Wrestlemania (25th anniversary of such.) And while I enjoyed tremendously the company I got to spend it with, the show it self (save for flashes of brilliance here or there and a tremendous Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels effort) was lackluster and dull. But the hot dogs were awesome.

Monday night was the Season Opener for Major League Baseball, and- more importantly- the Minnesota Twins. And they got spanked in a boring game (yes, boring even for baseball.) Which stunk.

So now I'm scared. I'm only 1 for 3 in my supposed "great" events over this week. Tonight I've got tickets to the Twins game, and Wednesday is the WORLD PREMIER of our 24-Hour Film entry, "Detour." Will they be great? Will I turn it around, so to speak? I dunno. I'm scared.

Hold me . . .


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