Thursday, February 12, 2009

24-Hour Film Festival

I just received an email on the Minneapolis 24-Hour Film Festival. I did it last year with a great team of writers/actors/editors/musicians. I am very, very excited to do it again this April 3 and 4th.

If you are not familiar with it, here is the gist:

-At 10pm Friday night, you receive a "theme" and a "prop/action/line/etc." Last year they were "Saving" and "a knock on the door" respectively.
-By 10pm Saturday a finished copy had to be delivered to a preassigned location.
-Then you can finally sleep.

How precise are they? We delivered ours at 10:02pm. We were disqalified from all the awards save for the Audience Favorite award.

We didn't win that anyway.

But here is our film from last year, which Kris Kenison (who plays "God" in this film) has posted to YouTube.


The 'House

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