Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ignore Previous Post

I would like that previous post to be ignored. Oh sure, I could just delete it. That's easy. But no. I want to test the lot of you- that is, any of you that actually read this-to just trust me and ignore it. Think of this as a virtual "you closing your eyes and falling back into my arms" test. I will catch you IF you ignore the previous post. (By "previous" I mean the one directly below this one. It's marked "Friend (Something)". I don't remember the actual title I gave it, and to go back and read it I'd have to close this window- thereby either losing everything I've already written, or posting this incompletely and then forcing me to go back in and edit- and if I were going to do that, I'd just delete that post and not even have to write this blog.

I was in a bad mood when I wrote it. But it wasn't funny. It wasn't suppose to be. Cheating on a spouse/partner is wrong. And I will not stand for it.



Especially at Candyland.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I need a friend that will stick to his committments and not wait until the last minute to cancel them. Oh, and one that also isn't cheating on his fiance via Craigslist.

Anyone got one I can borrow?
